The Himsel Museum app essentially aspires to looking back to the future it is a platform for exploring the origins of Baltic museum tradition through showcasing the early collections, which lay at the foundation of three large public museums in Riga – Museum of the History of Riga and Navigation, Latvian Museum of Natural History, and the Latvian National Museum of Art. The paintings at the Hammond-Harwood House include works by one of the most famous portrait painters in colonial America, Charles Willson Peale, as well several members of his family.
Hammond Harwood House (USA) iOS & Android Exceptional works by Juan Gris, Antoni Tàpies, Eduardo Chillida, Pablo Picasso and Luis Fernández were acquired then and over the following two decades, and with very different objectives from the initial one, the Collection was expanded and opened to other artistic paths.
The creation of this fund begins in the 80s with the intention of promoting the recognition of a series of Spanish artists who are poorly represented in state museums. The Telefónica Collection is made up of a set of more than 1,000 works including painting, sculpture, photography and paper work. Fundación Telefónica (Spain) iOS & Android The museum’s collection is constantly growing, always open to the incorporation of all kinds of significant materials: engravings, paintings, photographs, postcards, posters, metallographies, nautical charts, plans, navigation instruments, boats, ethnographic objects, heritage elements industrial, underwater archeology, etc. It is the main tool to delve into the knowledge of the Basque maritime culture. The collection forms the essence of the Museum. Euskal Itsas Museoa (Spain) iOS & Android Ekain was declared World Heritage of Humanity in 2008 by UNESCO. These artistic manifestations (paintings and engravings) created by the inhabitants of the cave, 14.000 or 13.000 years ago, appear as a global scale phenomenon. Ekain – Cave paintings (Spain) iOS & AndroidĮkain shows an exceptional cave art of the Upper Paleolithic era. Its collections include all kinds of material and its holdings are largely enriched through acquisitions: purchase, copyright, donation and exchange. The Biblioteca Nacional is the main information and document centre on Spanish and Ibero-American written, graphic and audiovisual culture.

In 1970, the Foundation began construction of Arcosanti, a prototype arcology, in order to physically test Soleri’s urban planning concept. Cosanti, a non-profit educational institution focuses on ideas about urban design. Paolo Soleri and his wife Colly established the Cosanti Foundation in 1965 in Paradise Valley, Arizona.

The museum is divided into six rooms dedicated to the different interests and activities of Friulian collectors and scholars and displays finds ranging from vases from Magna Graecia, to protohistoric, Roman and early medieval funerary objects. Museo Archeologico di Udine (Italy) iOS & Android The museum houses one of the most important collections of watercolorists of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, with works by John Robert Cozens, David Cox, John Varley, Edward Lear, and J. The Abbot Hall Art Gallery is a museum and art gallery in Kendal, England.

Enjoy and share them! Abbot Hall Art Gallery (UK) iOS & Android And here it is! You will find below the links to more than 40 apps from museums and institutions across Europe, Mexico and the USA.